Atlanta has had more up than downs having won the World Series twice. They fell to a organization low 54 wins two seasons ago. They got a new owner and GM last season who turned the team around to improve the win total by 26. And made the playoffs as the wild card. With Mota having proven he can hit at the big league level and several others looking ready to make that jump Taz has them heading in the right direction. And I look forward to seeing where they go from here.
1. J.P. Benitez
2. Alex Mota
3. Guillermo Guerrero
4. Eric Pettitte
5. Larry Ross
6. Red Castillo
7. Kris Post
8. Mac Lee
9. Pete Beckham
10. Eric Morgan
Top Draft Pick
Of the Decade
Season 2: James Rollins
season 3: Dave Darwin
season 4: Ed Cannon
season 5: Roger Bradshaw
season 6: Tony Taveras
season 7: Matthew Minor
season 8: Eric Pettitte
season 9: Pete Beckham
season 10: Nigel Bryne
season 11: Guillermo Guerrero
Best Tools
Best Power Hitter: Felix Canseco
Best Hitter for Average: Alex Mota
Fastest Baserunner: Larry Ross
Best Fastball: Matt Holmes
Best Curveball: Matt Holmes
Best Control: Hugh Holliday
Best Defensive Catcher: Kane Pittinger
Best Infield Arm: Darron Hartman
Best Outfield Arm: Alex Mota
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