Talk about a team on the rise the Cubs have gone from the cellar to the top of the division all because of the hard work and effort of dawei. The team started out strong finishing 2nd but after that first season the team started to fall. After 4 straight seasons of finishing in 3rd they finally finished 2nd and broke trough and finished 1st last season. The one problem that many experts have on their minds is after Oswaldo Escobar retires for the Fatties no longer think his stats and skills warrant a big pay check who will play CF. The team has no true CF on the farm to replace him. But they do have a lot of SS. Here's hoping the team can continue their strong play.
1. Phil Davenport
2. Miguel Lopez
3. Frank Wagner
4. Del Baptist
5. Kris Wood
6. Milt Lidge
7. Jean Kelly
8. John Padden
9. Francisco Candelaria
10. Chris Payton
Top Draft Picks
Of the Decade
Season 2: Enrique Uribe
Season 3: Eric Nance
Season 4: Benito Camacho
Season 5: Mark Latham
Season 6: Frank Bako
Season 7: Gus Stoops
Season 8: Miguel Lopez
Season 9: Frank Wagner
Season 10: Rip Oliver
Season 11: Chris Payton
Best Tools
Best Power Hitter: Lance Phillips
Best Hitter for Average: Philip Gardner
Fasetest Baserunner: Les Sowders
Best Fastball: Francisco Candelaria
Best Curveball: Dwight Henley
Best Control: John Padden
Best Defensive Catcher: Miguel Lopez
Best Infield Arm: Donald Vanguri
Best Outfield Arm: Phil Davenport
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